What a great time we had this weekend playing African drums at a big scout camp at Walesby Forest in Nottinghamshire. 

It was amazing what the scouts managed to put together in such a short space of time.
These kids were really dedicated to the beat! See for yourself - here's a wonderful video which really captures the magic of the final performance at the end of the day:

Nice video, yeah? But it just got better. Here is a wonderful message we received today from a mother of one of the scouts who attended the session:

"My son Philip had a fantastic time with you at the scout camp at Walesby. He phoned every family member to tell them about the performance & practicing for it. Philip had been really homesick in the morning & wanted to come home but was so glad he stayed. Philip isn't usually bothered about being in the limelight so I'm sure this has really helped his confidence, a huge thank you from a very happy mum."

What a wonderful story - this is why we enjoy the work we do!

Want to put the beat into your event? We run drumming sessions for scouts, guides, cubs, rainbows and beaver camps all round the country. Why not give us a call?

African Drumming Performance at Walesby Forest Scout Camp, Nottinghamshire
