Here is a great video of our African drumming students performing at Sheffield's Sharrow Festival last weekend.:

The rhythm we are playing is called 'Degu Degu' which was a popular dance rhythm in Mali, West Africa in the 1980s. It was taught to me by Hans Sutton who was himself taught the rhythms and solo parts by Malian musicians Drissa Kone and Matche Traore.

Hans Sutton writes: “Degu Degu is not a traditional rhythm and is rarely played now. Dances like Degu Degu and their accompanying rhythms sometimes spring up and then burn out quite quickly. Sometimes they are creations of African dance ballets that achieve a short-lived popularity.' 

Nevertheless it is still a beautifully funky rhythm which I’m sure deserves a come back!

Did you know we run African drumming evening classes with special sessions for complete beginners as well as sessions for more advanced drummers? Find out more here or get in touch for further details.
